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Paola Poggio nasce (1968) a Torino, Italia, dove frequenta la Scuola d’Arte Applicata e Design e successivamente allo Studio d’Arte Pictor, segue i corsi di disegno classico e fotografia secondo il metodo di Betty Edwards.
Prosegue la sua formazione come assistente fotografo presso studi fotografici torinesi e come free-lance per poi svolgere la professione nell’ambito pubblicitario. Contemporaneamente si impegna nella ricerca di progetti personali a cui si dedica esclusivamente dal 2000.
Affascinata e interessata dal mistero, la sua ricerca e pratica si concentra sulla sua indagine. L’ apparecchio fotografico, oltre a essere un mezzo per interrogarsi sulla realtà e la sua percezione, è allo stesso tempo soggetto d’indagine.
La sua pratica fotografica predilige il porsi domande al darsi risposte.
Numerose immagini fanno parte di collezioni private in Italia e in Francia.
Alcune immagini tratte dal lavoro “Fallen in the City” sono in vendita presso la galleria L’Espace Soardi di Nice, Francia.
Paola Poggio was born (1968) in Turin, Italy, where she attended the School of Applied Arts and Design. Subsequently at the Pictor's Art Studio she followed the classical drawing and photography courses based to Betty Edwards' method.
She continued her training as a photographic assistant at photography studios in Turin and as a freelance photographer and then pursued her profession in advertising photography. Since 2000, she has worked on researching and developing some personal projects.
Fascinated by and interested in mystery, her research and practice focuses on her inquiry. The photographic camera, in addition to being a means of questioning reality and perception, is at the same time subject to investigation. Her photographic practice reverts around asking questions rather than providing answers.
Several images are part of private collections in Italy and France. Some images from the “Fallen in the City” project are on sale at the L'Espace Soardi gallery in Nice, France.
Paola Poggio est née à Turin (1968) où elle a fréquenté l'École des Arts appliqués et de Design, puis à l'Art Studio Pictor, suit les cours de dessin classique et de photographie selon la méthode de Betty Edwards. Elle a poursuivi sa formation en tant que assistant photographe dans des ateliers à Turin et en tant que free-lance, qu'elle a accompli comme photographe professionnel dans la publicité.
Au même moment, elle s’engage dans la recherche de projets personnels auxquels elle se consacre exclusivement depuis 2000.
Fascinée et intéressée par le mystère, sa recherche et sa pratique se concentre sur son enquête. L’appareil photo, outre à être un moyen pour s’interroger sur la réalité et sa perception, est à la fois l'objet de l’ enquête.
Sa pratique photographique préfère poser des questions que donner des réponses.
De nombreuses images font partie des collections privées en Italie et en France.
Certains photos extrait du projet “Fallen in the City” sont en vente à la galerie L'Espace Soardi de Nice, France.
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